Monday, March 29, 2021

all black's experience trip

 Today Wesley Primary went to the sky city to go to the all black's experience. So when we were getting in to three groups then as soon as we got into are groups we went and got up and went to go have a big morning tea it was just incase we get hungry well on the trip at the sky city. so then I went and got my morning tea witch was subway. So then when i got my subway and i just ate a little bit of my subway. So as soon as we finished our morning tea we got back in to our groups and i forgot we did our number count to see if we were all there in the bus  just in cay's some one is left be hind. so we counted to 1 to 22.

then we went on the bus and went and sat down so when i sat down i went and sat down with my friend Tyrique and behind me was Simione and Robel. So we started our trip to the all black's experience. So when we were on our way to the all black's experience me and Tyrique were playing Samoan slap. When we finished playing Samoan slap we were just chilling well we were in a HUGE! tunnel. So when we got out of the tunnel me and Tyrique and well we were laying down me and Tyrique herd Simione and Robel saying crash! CRASH! CRASH. 

So when we got to the city me and Tyrique still heard Simione and Robel were still saying crash!. Then until we got to the all black's Experience and then when we got in side they would keep quiet .So miss bound told us to line up in 1 line and then we went up a escalator to the next level up. to were other school's when we got to the next level of the building we were talking to a man that worked at the all black's Experience. So when we finished talking to the man that work's at the all black's Experience.

So then we sat down and we got a wrist band that has a X on it so then we began a word search so then well were going to finish our word search the man asked us if we needed to go to the bathroom so when we went to the bathroom it was really huge inside the bathroom. So then when we finished inside the bathroom we were looking down and we saw lot's of rugby ball's, the all black's uniform and boot's. And so i also beat that there will a screen and there will be a ball and you have to pass and kick and there will be circle's and we have to stand on the green circle's.

So then we went to level 2 were the other's are. So then we got back to our word search so then when we finished the word search we followed the man and looked up and there were wallpaper with a black fern and and a all black and the male's have won 6 time's and the female's have won 5 time's so then we went with a lady that works here at the all black's experience so then we were going inside this dark room so the we saw a box glowing then we went into a hallway and then we went to another room but with old TV. So then we were watching a video rugby and well we were watching the video i saw my team Mt Roskill

So then when the video finished there was 2 number's team 1 and team 2 and then we went to another room but this time it was with Ipad's with the team number's 1 and 2 so then we went to our team number's  so then we started the game and then we were looking at the other screen and there will be 3 round's . so there were a question,and then another round i think? and then we next round was a challenge so then we started the game and then team 1 won and then we went to changing room then we went into the cubies so then the light's turned off and then we were watching another video and then well we were watching the video lots of people were trying to be sneaky and going out of the cubies so then we told them to go back to were they were.So then when it ended we went and sat on the ground and watch another video and when the video finished we went to another room and watched the black ferns do the Haka.

and then we made it to the next room and i got it right and then we saw the other group. So then when we saw the other group's i saw the circle's game and the kicking and passing game's but it was with big and huge cage's. And then so i went to the red and green circle game and then so i figured out what the big x was for it was to scan so then we went on to the green circle's and then after i went to the passing game because it was full of people there. So then well i was play the man at the start when we went up the escalator.

so then we heard the man said put the ball's down and come to me. So then we put the ball down and went to him so then when all of us went to him we were talking to him about the police so then he told us that there was another why out it was so we do not have worry about the police. So then we went to the bus and well we were going to the bus i recognised this place we went to because this place was close to where my aunty had her graduation. So then we went to the bus and went back to school and when we got back to school we were doing a blog about the trip.